The International Montessori Council has commented on why attending Montessori school a full 5 days per week is so important. We think their answer is worth […]
What value does cursive have in a world increasingly made up of keyboards and screen? Siri has made handwriting obsolete, right? As with many things in […]
The world is full of fascinating phenomena: the water cycle, pi, volcanoes, square roots, photosynthesis, gravity and migration, just to name a few. These, and so many […]
One of the things parents say they like most about Montessori education is how it’s centered on the individual child, that each child is receiving lessons […]
It’s easy to set up your child to be independent at home. Choose a few low drawers for your child’s things. Perhaps you could clear out half of the […]
What does learning look like and when does it take place? How many educational theorists have come up with answers to this question? Educational philosophies are […]
Dr. Montessori noticed that Elementary-aged children are never more engaged than when listening to stories. The Montessori curriculum’s foundation is in the Great Lessons, which are […]